Grant NCN Maestro 2024-2029, Precision Studies for particle-collider physics

Precision Studies for particle-collider physics has received funding from the Polish National Science Centre.

The research mainly focuses on calculations and simulations using the Monte Carlo higher-order perturbation effects generators within the Standard Model of particle physics in current and future high-energy accelerators. These calculations will allow the verification of subtle effects predicted by extended theoretical models that attempt to answer still unexplained aspects of particle physics related to the interactions of Higgs particles and their impact on the evolution of the Universe with matter-antimatter asymmetry and the effects of CP symmetry violation, or the generation of masses and neutrino oscillations. 

The research is conducted by particle groups from the University of Silesia in Katowice, the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN in Cracow and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, in cooperation with scientists from Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, Ukraine, the UK and the USA.


  1. Precision Physics at High-energy Colliders and Low-energy Connections, J. Gluza, B. Karmakar, Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement, vol. 17, article 5-A3, published online 2024-08-05
  2. KKMCee: Multi-photon MC for lepton and quark pair production at lepton colliders, Scott A. Yost, Stanisław Jadach, B.F.L. Ward, Zbigniew Wąs, Andrzej Siódmok, contribution to ICHEP2024
  3. Monte Carlos for tau lepton — Standard Model and New Physics signatures, Z. Wąs,, to appear in SciPost Physics.
  4. Landau and leading singularities in arbitrary space-time dimensions, Wojciech Flieger and William J. Torres Bobadilla, Published in: Eur.Phys.J.Plus 139 (2024) 11, 1022,
