Review article in PPNP

Our team in collaboration with scientists from the USA (University of Virginia and the Space Science Center of the University of Washington) and Germany (Max Planck Institute in Munich) published an article in the prestigious journal Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. The work concerns the analysis of models aimed at explaining what types of new symmetries can be used to understand the observed properties of oscillations of three types of neutrinos. The work considers so-called discrete symmetries, such as the A4 symmetry (such symmetries are used in physics, for example, to describe a diamond crystal) or more abstract symmetries based on modular groups These models imply the existence of new types of particles, which, in addition to describing the properties of masses and quantum mixing states of the known “flavors” of electron, muon and tau neutrinos, can also explain several cosmological observations such as matter-antimatter asymmetry in space (decays of new massive neutrinos) or the problem of dark matter (the paper considers implications derived from the interactions of spinless Higgs particles and additional fermions). The phenomenology of possible processes associated with discrete particle symmetries is very rich. Some symmetries are studied in particle colliders (e.g. LHC) or in the context of observing gravitational waves or exotic nuclear decays (e.g. neutrinoless double beta decay of nuclei). The work was carried out as part of the Opus grant of the National Science Centre “Non-standard neutrinos and CP-violating effects in the leptonic sector” (short description of the project in Polish: On the Polish side, the following participated in the work: Janusz Gluza (team coordinator), Szymon Zięba, Krzysztof Grzanka (PhD students), Biswajit Karmakar (postdoc), Ievgen Dubovyk, Bartosz Dziewit (assistant professors at the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Silesia). Link to the work in the journal and the public version of the article in the Inspires HEP high-energy works repository

Maestro NCN grant 2024-2029

A new project, Precision Studies for particle-collider physics, has received funding from Polish National Science Centre (~3.4 MPLN). The research mainly focuses on calculations and simulations using the Monte Carlo higher-order perturbation effects generators within the Standard Model of particle physics in current and future high-energy accelerators. These calculations will allow the verification of subtle effects predicted by extended theoretical models that attempt to answer still unexplained aspects of particle physics related to the interactions of Higgs particles and their impact on the evolution of the Universe with matter-antimatter asymmetry and the effects of CP symmetry violation, or the generation of masses and neutrino oscillations. The research will be conducted in cooperation with scientists from Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, Ukraine, the UK and the USA.

You can read more about the project on the website of the National Science Centre:

(in Polish:)

Participation in Corfu 2022

August 28 – September 8, 2022, Janusz Gluza and Krzysztof Grzanka participated in Corfu 2022, the Standard Model and Beyond workshop, and they gave talks which can be found here.

as in physics, sometimes it’s hard to get to the point.

photo with the main organizer, Dr. George Zoupanos, initiator of the Summer Institute at Corfu.
the main conference hall
talks also in the garden

Participation in NuFact 2022, Snowbird, USA

From July 30 through 6th August Janusz Gluza took part in NuFact 2022, chairing one of the plenary sessions and giving the talk “PMNS and the number of additional neutrino flavors” This conference was held in Snowbird, Utah, USA, and focused on neutrino physics and colliders. The twenty-third of the series of yearly international workshops started in 1999.

Particles in Rybnik

We were at the secondary school LO1 in Rybnik: dr Biswajit Karmakar gave a lecture „Neutrinos and secrets of our Universe” with introduction by prof. Janusz Gluza „Wielkie urządzenia, małe obiekty – krótko o fizyce cząstek elementarnych” – “Big facilities, small objects – shortly about particle physics”. Some photos: link